Clever Apes




Clever Apes perform an eclectic mix of unique originals, alternative rock, classic rock and - okay, we'll admit it - some good pop tunes (we reserve the right to rock them out!). The band has electrified stages in and around Montreal since 2012, supporting several good causes in the process.

The Apes feature an always-evolving repertoire and their two most recent benefit concerts raised almost $10,000.00.
So, if you need a rockin' band for your event see our Facebook page (Clever-Apes-107885091661815) or contact us: clever.apes AT G-M-A-I-L DOT COM.

Clever Apes jouent un mélange éclectique de compositions hautement originales ainsi que du rock alternatif, du rock classique et - avouons-le - du bon pop (on reserve le droit de les rendre plus rock!). Le groupe a chauffenombreuses scenes a Montreal et dans les environs depuis 2012 a l'appui de diverses bonnes causes.

Le repertoire des Apes est en evolution constante et leurs deux plus recents concerts-benefice ont ramasse presque $10,000.00.
Donc, si tu as besoin d'un groupe de tonnerre pour ton evenement, verifie notre site Facebook (Clever-Apes-107885091661815) ou contacte-nous : clever.apes A COMMERCIAL G-M-A-I-L POINT COM.

Screen name:
Member since:
Oct 17 2012
Active within 2 weeks
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years together:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
57 years


Old rock, new rock, old funk, new funk, reggae, grunge, folk, psychedelia - and even some good pop! / Du vieux rock, du rock nouveau, du vieux funk, du funk nouveau, du grunge, du folk, du psychedelique - et, meme du bon pop!

Members Of Band

Drums and Vocals - Jean-Yves Trudel - Batterie et Voix
Guitar, Bass and Vocals - Raul Barqueiro - Guitare, Basse etVoix
Bass, Guitar and Vocals - Alex Fleming - Basse, Guitare etVoix
Guitar and Vocals - Victor Levy - Guitare et Voix


Everything needed to rock -- except a drummer, at the moment... / Tout ce qu'il faut pour faire du rock -- sauf un drummer, présentement...



Past Events

After too long due to COVID, we’re pleased to announce that we’ll be playing at Ribfest ( ) on August 14th at 11:00 AM till noon. Featured will be a mix of original songs and covers, including several that are brand new. We’ll also be presenting our newest member for the first time. Come on out for some great entertainment while benefiting one of our West Island organizations providing a vital service to so many.