

Band to Join, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Fiddle, Harmonica, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Violin, Vocalist.



Looking for good people to start a band with (vocals, guitar[s], bass and ?).

The focus would be to jam, write new music, record and eventually perform tunes. However, the priority is always to have fun, enjoy the time spent on your instrument and assist in creating an open, respectful and creative environment. I don't want negative additudes and flakes that seemingly need to be forced and convinced to meet for mutually scheduled jams. I work fulltime so the goal is to create an extracurricular band with a moderate committment level (practice together once every 1 or 2 weeks with individual home practice when necessary for more efficient jams).

As a drummer, I've mostly played rock but have dabbled in some funk and blues. I have a pretty open mind with genres and have an aptitude to learn and push to be better. I would be OK with learning a FEW covers but my passion is developing and writing new music. I also have many years of experience with the saxophones and flute playing everything from classical to jazz when I was younger. While mostly a rock guy, I've recently discovered Five Alarm Funk. Check them out, they are wicked.

Check out the link below for my previous bands (Loud Majesty) gig performed at OTR's here in Edmonton.


If you're interested in getting together for a stress free jam with some focus on progression message me here.

Screen name:
Member since:
Jul 22 2018
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Under 10
Tend to practice:
1 time per week

Instrument experience:
