Madison Blues Band


Vocalist, Saxophone, Keyboard, Piano.


Greetings, to start you can have a look at my previous band which I founded in Vancouver before moving to the island, to get an idea of the type of Blues we play.

I am looking for the following;

-A Female Blues Singer please provide link or video.
-A Keyboard (Piano or Organ) player, and/or a Sax Player please provide link or video
-Age does not matter as long as you are old enough to play in a licensed venue.
-Passion singing the blues and do it for the love of Blues.
-Individuals that are good with rehearsing twice a month, gig once a month or two months and also don't mind splitting the cost of a rehearsal space. We rehearse at The Globe in Nanaimo, the cost is $10 per player for a 3 hour session.
-Come prepared to rehearsal and check your ego at the door, I am an easy going individual and expect everyone to treat all players with respect and have a fun time. I don't get hung up on mistakes, we are all human.
-Not afraid to provide input to make a good song a great song.

If you do not like rehearsing and are only into gigging this band is not for you. Also, if you are looking at this as a source of income, what can I say it is not great in a six or seven piece band.

I look forward to hearing from you

Screen name:
Member since:
Jun 15 2024
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Years together:
Gigs played:
Over 100
65 years


Koko Taylor, Buddy Guy, Freddie King, Katie Webster, Etta James