

Band to Join, Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bagpipes, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, DJ, Dobro, Drums, Electronic Music, Fiddle, Flute, Harmonica, Harp, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Other, Other Percussion, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Upright bass, Violin, Vocalist, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor.


*I am down to start absolutly fresh band and music wise and I am open to ANY genre. Years ago when I last attempted to get something going I was on here and those were the questions I was asked a few times the most is why I put this*

I haven't been playing like I would like for a few years, but overall I have been playing for about 15 years. Just getting back into the swing of things. I play with my fingers mainly if, but can play less technical stuff with a pick-only getting better.
Need to get some better gear for sure and that will come with time either way, but if a band comes my way I will get what needed, when needed.
I could learn a wide variety of stuff because I am good at playing at the least. I just don't know theory- currently teaching myself slowly.. Stupid I know. Should have done it a long time ago and stuck with it all!
I have my own stuff wrote. All heavier stuff though.. Can/could write when/if needed, or down to play what you have wrote. Also down for just jamming some covers.

Screen name:
Member since:
Mar 18 2024
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
50 to 100
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week
Available to gig:
6-7 nights a week
Most available:


Killswitch Engage I would say is my favorite band honestly. Have never been able to kick them!
The Wonder Years are my sh*t right now.
Also been big into Reel Big Fish lately again!
I like Rush and Iron Maiden for older stuff. (No I have never been able to learn a full Rush song)
Geddy Lee and Steve Harris are my idol/influences. Nowhere near as good obviously lol just enjoy their style of playing.

Instrument experience:

Bass Guitar:


Absolute shite but willing to get stuff if needed, when needed!
I currently just have a Fender acoustic bass and a shite Yamaha electric bass.
Small Peavey amp.